Fun Wine Trivia

Do you love Wine…Silly question. Wine has a very special place in the world. It has been around for thousands of years and is often refrred to as the Elixer of the Gods. Many people want to gain knowledge about wine. Here we have some fun wine trivia to share.

The first wines date back to 4000BC. The oldest bottle of wine in the world today is at least 1,650 years old and known as Römerwein, or the Speyer wine bottle. The glass vessel was discovered during the excavation of a Roman nobleman’s tomb in modern-day Germany. It remains unopened and is housed in a museum.

Wine Trivia -Check your knowledge here

  1. Is there a correct way to hold a wine glass? Well yes there is. Wine glasses should be held by the stem so that way the hand does not raise the temperature of the wine.
  2. Should you store wine bottles laying down? You should…because if the bottle is standing up, the cork could dry out and as a result it could drop into your wonderful wine.
  3. Wine is very high in antioxidants, to clarify you would need to drink 20 glasses of apple juice or 7 glasses of orange juice to get the same amount found in wine.
  4. Women are actually better wine tasters due to their superior sense of smell. Especially women in the 25-35 year old range.
  5. There is a free “Wine Fountain,” in the Abruzzo region or Italy. In other words there is an actual fountain that you can walk up to and get free wine! For real! From a Fountain!
  6. Prince Charles has an Aston Martin that runs on biofuel made out of old wine.
  7. The “legs” or “tears” of a wine are what crawl down the sides of your glass after you’ve swirled your wine around your glass. These can tell you about the body of the wine. The quicker the Legs run, the lighter the body; the slower they run, the fuller the body of the wine.
  8. On average, there are about 75-80 grapes on each cluster. One grape cluster equals one glass of wine. There are approximately 20 million acres of grapes planted across the world, making grapes the worlds number one crop.
  9. Learning how to smell and describe wine is very important because more than 80% of your ability to taste comes from your ability to smell.

In conclusion…wine is an important part of our lives and culture all over the world. Likewise we have been seeking out wine facts and trivia forever. Hope you’ve enjoyed this little bit. Check back often because the more I learn the more I will share.

wine trivia


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